Wolff: The unbeatable Roger Ailes: "...The cable audience, for all the attention heaped on it for its theoretical political sway, is not that large. The average Fox prime time audience in 2013 was little more than a million people. MSNBC's 2013 non-election-year prime time viewership was 640,000, CNN's 568,000 (but for the first time in two years, MSNBC fell behind CNN's daytime audience). These are target marketing rather than mass market numbers. Magazine numbers. ... the cable news audience, a kind of passionate couch potato (network news still commands that larger audience of catatonic couch potatoes). This was an older and less urban audience, which left its competitors to fight over a younger and more fickle audience. The loss of audience share to other news and entertainment options (from Jon Stewart to digital news) has been much more severe for CNN and MSNBC...."
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